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Service settings

Enterprise App Interface uses its web.config file to store service-level settings. Settings described below are used when serving requests to the /dms endpoints.

Request authentication settings

Every HTTP request sent to the /dms endpoints from an integrator application must be authenticated. Authentication is realized using ‘API keys’. An integrator application must specify a valid ‘API key’ in the custom x-sps-api-key HTTP header of every HTTP request.

The ‘API key’ values accepted by the /dms endpoints are stored in service setting:


The value of this setting is:

  • a list of non-empty string values
  • separated by a '|' character, when specifying multiple values


<add key="API.DMS.AllowedAPIKeysPipeSeparated" 
     value="DMSApiKeyX_GUID1|DMSApiKeyY_GUID2" />

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