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Service settings

Enterprise App Interface uses its web.config file to store service-level settings. Settings described below are used when serving requests to the /masterdata endpoints.

Database connection settings

The following settings control how Enterprise App Interface connects to the Microsoft SQL Server database storing the dictation metadata.

SQL server instance and database name

The host machine name and instance name of the SQL Server can be specified using the following settings:

  <add key="Database.MSSQL.Server" 

  <add key="Database.MSSQL.Database" 
       value="%ADD_MSSQL_DATABASE_NAME_HERE%" />

SQL server authentication

Enterprise App Interface can connect to the SQL server using either Windows Authentication or SQL Authentication.

The authentication mode towards the SQL Server is specified in setting:


To use the Windows Authentication mode, the value of Database.MSSQL.UseSQLAuthentication must be false. In this mode, the SQL connection is authenticated using the credentials of the Windows account specified as ‘Identity’ for the IIS application pool hosting the Enterprise App Interface web service.

To use the SQL Authentication mode, the value of Database.MSSQL.UseSQLAuthentication must be true and the SQL username and password values must be specified in the Database.MSSQL.SQLAuthentication.Username and Database.MSSQL.SQLAuthentication.Password settings. The values specified for these two settings must be the Base64 encoded forms of the original plain-text SQL username and password.


Let’s assume we would like to use the following credentials in SQL Authentication mode:

  • user name: MyUser
  • password : MyPassword

The Base64 encoded values are:

  • user name as Base64: TXlVc2Vy
  • password as Base64 : TXlQYXNzd29yZA==

The relevant settings in web.config:

<add key="Database.MSSQL.Server" value="MYMACHINE\MYSQLINSTNCE" />
<add key="Database.MSSQL.Database" value="MasterDataDB" />
<add key="Database.MSSQL.UseSQLAuthentication" value="true" />

<add key="Database.MSSQL.SQLAuthentication.Username" value="TXlVc2Vy" />
<add key="Database.MSSQL.SQLAuthentication.Password" value="TXlQYXNzd29yZA==" />

Request authentication settings

Every HTTP request sent to the /masterdata endpoints from an integrator application must be authenticated. Authentication is realized using ‘API keys’. An integrator application must specify a valid ‘API key’ in the custom x-sps-api-key HTTP header of every HTTP request.

The ‘API key’ values accepted by the /masterdata endpoints are stored in service setting:


The value of this setting is:

  • a list of non-empty string values
  • separated by a '|' character, when specifying multiple values


<add key="API.MasterData.AllowedAPIKeysPipeSeparated" 
     value="MasterDataApiKeyA_GUID1|MasterDataApiKeyB_GUID2" />

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